The Brothers & Sisters of our Local Lodge (and maybe a few non-union members too) really showed up and showed out for this years Toy Drive. When Sister Julie Snyder went around to collect the donation boxes from each building, she was quite overwhelmed at the out-pouring of generosity by our Members for this endeavor. She stated,
I’m blown away. I collected and boxed just over 150 toys, books, stuffed animals, and sports balls yesterday afternoon. Thank you sooo much to everyone who donated or played a part in this year’s Toy Drive.
The items will be split between 3-4 locations this year. Doras House and Arkansas Children’s Hospital will receive half of the boxes, and the other half will be split between Jacksonville Care Channel and another local non-profit (to be determined).
There were also $250 donation checks mailed to both STEP Outreach Center and to the Union Rescue Mission (donation voted upon and approved at the November Union Meeting).
Thanks again Local Lodge 463 for your showing of generosity!
This is awesome! Thank to all those who donated! Thank you sister Julie for making this happen.